Academic Publications
Refreed Journal Papers
Kahraman, G, Kantradzic, M., Kahraman, M.M. Kotan, M (2021) A Data-Driven Multi-Regime Approach for Predicting Energy Consumption, Energies.
Kahraman, M.M. (2021) Analysis of Mining Lost Time Incident Duration Influencing Factors Through Machine Learning. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration.
Kahraman M.M., Erkayaoglu M. (2021) "A Data-Driven Approach to Control Fugitive Dust in Mine Operations". Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration. 38, 549-558.
Kahraman M.M, Rogers W.P., Dessureault S., (2020) “Bottleneck Identification and Ranking Model for Mine Operations”, Production Planning & Control, Production Planning & Control, 31:14, 1178-1194. DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2019.1701231
Rogers W.P., Kahraman M.M, Drews F., Powell K., Haight M.J., Wang Y., Baxla K., Sobalkar M.,(2019) “Automation in the Mining Industry: Review of Technology, Systems, Human Factors and Political Risk”, Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, Volume: 36-4, P: 607-631, doi: 10.1007/s42461-019-0094-2.
Rogers W.P., Kahraman M.M., Dessureault S., (2019) “Formal Assessment and Measurement of Data Utilization and Value for Mines”, Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, Volume: 36-2, P: 257-268, doi: 10.1007/s42461-018-0044-4.
Rogers W.P., Kahraman M.M, Dessureault S., (2017) “Exploring the Value of Using Data: A Case Study of Continuous Improvement through Data Warehousing”, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, Volume: 33-4, P: 286-296, doi: 10.1080/17480930.2017.1405473.
Kahraman M.M., Dessureault S. (2017) “Increasing adherence to mine plan through data integration and process change”, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 2018, Volume: 32-5, P: 341-354, doi:10.1080/17480930.2017.1292892.
International Conference Proceedings
Kahraman G., Kantradzic M., Kahraman M. M., Kotan M., Sequential Pattern Mining Method for Predictive Maintenance of Large Mining Trucks, Mediterranean Forum- Data Science Conference (MEFDATA2020- Bosnia Herzegovina)
Kahraman M. M., Measuring and Improving Operator Performance on Large Mining Equipment, 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey (Antalya, Turkey 2019)
Kahraman M. M., Dessureault S., Use of Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) for Environmental Data Analysis, 7th International Symposium on Mining and Environment (Bodrum, Turkey 2017)
Kahraman M. M., Erkayaoglu M., Development of Immediate Response Plan for Fugitive Dust in Coal Mines, 7th International Symposium on Mining and Environment (Bodrum, Turkey 2017)
Kahraman M., Dessureault S, Holistic Mine Management by Identification of Production Bottlenecks, APCOM (Porto Alegre, Brazil 2013)
Kahraman M., Dessureault S, Development of a Real-Time Adherence to Mine Plan Tool as Part of Integrated Remote Mine Control Center, APCOM (Wollongong, Australia 2011)
Atesok G, Ozer M., Kahraman M., Turkey’s Energy affair with European Union and Coal Trend, XXIV International Mineral Processing Congress (Beijing, China 2008)
International Conference Presentations & Speeches
Kahraman M.M., How to transform into data driven mine operation: lessons learned from large operations, Digitalization in Mining. (Johannesburg, South Africa 2020)
Kahraman M.M., On the Verge of Industry 4.0: The Data Dilemma in Mining, SME Annual Meeting (Denver, CO 2019)
Kahraman M.M., Impacts of Technology and Cultural Change on Large Mine Disasters: Case Study of Highwall Failure, Invited Speaker, October, 2018, Gumushane, Turkey
Kahraman M. M., Use of equipment and system data beyond OEM reports in mine management, Aachen International Mining Symposium: Mines of Future, (Aachen, GER 2018)
Kahraman M. M., Dessureault S, Simulation Models for Training Fleet Management System Controllers, CIM 2017 Conference (Montreal, CA 2017)
Kahraman M.M., Dessureault S, Data Driven Production Performance Measurement for Shovels and Draglines, SME Annual Meeting (Denver, CO 2015)
Kahraman M., Dessureault S, Benefits of Balanced Scorecards in Mine Management and Workforce Motivation, SME Annual Meeting (Salt Lake City, UT 2014)
Kahraman M., Dessureault S, Holistic Production Management to Reduce Production Bottlenecks, SME Annual Meeting (Denver, CO 2013)
Dessureault S, Kahraman M., Son Y, Dynamically Generated Simulations that Write Results into Standard Reports and Control-Room Screens, SME Annual Meeting (Seattle, WA 2012)
Kahraman M., Real Time Adherence to Plan Screen for Mine Control Rooms, 5th International Industry Summit on Mining Performance - BPI Conference (Rapid City, SD 2011)
Kahraman M., Dessureault S, IT enabled Changes to Frontline Mine Planning in Large Coal Mines to Balance Production Efficiency, Long-term Schedules in Real-time, SME Annual Meeting (Denver, CO 2011)
Kahraman M., Dessureault S, Synchronization of Planning and Production Processes in a Large Mine, INFORMS (Austin, TX 2010)
National Proceedings
Kahraman M., Bir Bakır Madeninin Delme ve Patlatma Performanslarının Veri Entegrasyonuyla İncelenmesi, VIII. Delme - Patlatma Sempozyumu, (İstanbul, 2015)