Academic Publications

Refreed Journal Papers

International Conference Proceedings

  • Kahraman G., Kantradzic M., Kahraman M. M., Kotan M., Sequential Pattern Mining Method for Predictive Maintenance of Large Mining Trucks, Mediterranean Forum- Data Science Conference (MEFDATA2020- Bosnia Herzegovina)

  • Kahraman M. M., Measuring and Improving Operator Performance on Large Mining Equipment, 26th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey (Antalya, Turkey 2019)

  • Kahraman M. M., Dessureault S., Use of Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) for Environmental Data Analysis, 7th International Symposium on Mining and Environment (Bodrum, Turkey 2017)

  • Kahraman M. M., Erkayaoglu M., Development of Immediate Response Plan for Fugitive Dust in Coal Mines, 7th International Symposium on Mining and Environment (Bodrum, Turkey 2017)

  • Kahraman M., Dessureault S, Holistic Mine Management by Identification of Production Bottlenecks, APCOM (Porto Alegre, Brazil 2013)

  • Kahraman M., Dessureault S, Development of a Real-Time Adherence to Mine Plan Tool as Part of Integrated Remote Mine Control Center, APCOM (Wollongong, Australia 2011)

  • Atesok G, Ozer M., Kahraman M., Turkey’s Energy affair with European Union and Coal Trend, XXIV International Mineral Processing Congress (Beijing, China 2008)

International Conference Presentations & Speeches

  • Kahraman M.M., How to transform into data driven mine operation: lessons learned from large operations, Digitalization in Mining. (Johannesburg, South Africa 2020)

  • Kahraman M.M., On the Verge of Industry 4.0: The Data Dilemma in Mining, SME Annual Meeting (Denver, CO 2019)

  • Kahraman M.M., Impacts of Technology and Cultural Change on Large Mine Disasters: Case Study of Highwall Failure, Invited Speaker, October, 2018, Gumushane, Turkey

  • Kahraman M. M., Use of equipment and system data beyond OEM reports in mine management, Aachen International Mining Symposium: Mines of Future, (Aachen, GER 2018)

  • Kahraman M. M., Dessureault S, Simulation Models for Training Fleet Management System Controllers, CIM 2017 Conference (Montreal, CA 2017)

  • Kahraman M.M., Dessureault S, Data Driven Production Performance Measurement for Shovels and Draglines, SME Annual Meeting (Denver, CO 2015)

  • Kahraman M., Dessureault S, Benefits of Balanced Scorecards in Mine Management and Workforce Motivation, SME Annual Meeting (Salt Lake City, UT 2014)

  • Kahraman M., Dessureault S, Holistic Production Management to Reduce Production Bottlenecks, SME Annual Meeting (Denver, CO 2013)

  • Dessureault S, Kahraman M., Son Y, Dynamically Generated Simulations that Write Results into Standard Reports and Control-Room Screens, SME Annual Meeting (Seattle, WA 2012)

  • Kahraman M., Real Time Adherence to Plan Screen for Mine Control Rooms, 5th International Industry Summit on Mining Performance - BPI Conference (Rapid City, SD 2011)

  • Kahraman M., Dessureault S, IT enabled Changes to Frontline Mine Planning in Large Coal Mines to Balance Production Efficiency, Long-term Schedules in Real-time, SME Annual Meeting (Denver, CO 2011)

  • Kahraman M., Dessureault S, Synchronization of Planning and Production Processes in a Large Mine, INFORMS (Austin, TX 2010)

National Proceedings

  • Kahraman M., Bir Bakır Madeninin Delme ve Patlatma Performanslarının Veri Entegrasyonuyla İncelenmesi, VIII. Delme - Patlatma Sempozyumu, (İstanbul, 2015)